Monday 24 November 2008

Time line research


1881 AD French Invasion of Tunisia-Tunisian tribesmen had raided Algeria, which provided the French a pretext for attacking Tunisia. The French withdrew after signing the treaty of Bardo. The treaty gave France the responsibility for the defense and foreign policy of Tunisia.

1882 AD Britain Invades Egypt The British invaded Egypt in response to anti foreign riots. The British defeated the army of Arabi Pasha at Al Tell. On September 15th they captured Cairo. Arabi pasha the nationalist leader was deported to Ceylon.

1883 AD Anglo French Punitive Expedition -The French and the British launched a punitive expedition against Sudan that was decisively defeated by Muhammad Ahmad at the battle of El Ubbayid. The British then sent Charles George Gordon to arrange the withdrawal of British troops from Sudan. He was cut off and executed by the Sudanese.

1883 AD Sino-Chinese War -The French and the Chinese fought in the Sino-Chinese war . The French occupied most of Annam, (Vietnam and Cambodia) but their trade was being disrupted by Chinese in Northern Vietnam. The French destroyed the Chinese navy as it lay anchor at Foochow. Under the treaty of Hue the French consolidated their protectorate over all of Vietnam

1887 AD Ethiopian-Italian War Begins -The Italians were defeated in the first battle of the Italian-Ethiopian War at the Battle of Dogali where Ethiopians defeated Italian troops. The Italians then engage in alliances with Ethiopia's neighbors to weaken them. The next year the Ethiopian leader Johannes IV was killed in a battle with the Mahdists. Menelik of Shoa, who received Italian support, succeeded him.

1931- Japan invades Manchuria.

1932 - Stalin launches purges in Communist Party which will eventually claim 8 to 10 million lives by starvation and execution. The Chaco War takes place from 1932 to 1935 between Bolivia and Paraguay over the disputed territory of Gran Chaco resulting in an overall Paraguayan victory in 1935. An agreement dividing the territory was made in 1938, officially ending outstanding differences and bringing an official "peace" to the conflict.

1935: Italy invades Ethiopia.

1936: Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland

1937: Japan invades China, Japanese troops occupy capital and conduct the "rape of Nanjing."

1938: Germany occupies Austria, Czechosolvakia dismembered by Munich pact.

1939: Hitler and Stalin sign non-aggression pact. Germany invades Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany.


1930s The U.S. film The Wizard of Oz is the first color film and is enormously popular.

Triumph of the Will - Leni Riefenstahl's ground-breaking Nazi propaganda film.

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